2 Kg Bulk Seed Potatoes.
White flesh brown skin potato. Late season. Large potatoes, scab resistant, great storage life.
Russet Burbank is the most common potato used for baked potatoes as well as making the ultimate french fry. Russet Burbank was bred to be more resistant to blight. This potato has a light and fluffy texture when cooked. It is higher in starches which makes it wonderful for frying. This is not a potato that stands up well in stews as it is so light and fluffy it will just fall apart in a stew or soup. But if french fries and baked potatoes are your game, this potato will store well for you all winter giving you opportunity for some amazing homemade fries, and our favourite, twice baked potatoes!
bulk Seed Potato, Russet Burbank (2 Kg)